Hi There! Welcome to the Black Speculative Arts Digital Archive Blog
One of BSADA's followers on Twitter, Dr. Hamilton (@DrHamiltonPhD), recently retweeted a post which quoted Ralph Ellison: “the act of writing requires a constant plunging back into the shadow of the past where time hovers ghostlike.” In a time where writing one's existence is constantly in question I’d also like to reason that enacting ways of existence is just as important, painful, and powerful. So in addition to Ellison’s timely quote made visible by our friends of this archive, the Black Speculative Arts Digital Archive also offer many ways of being seen, of documenting self-hood, of representing identities, of counter-storytelling when at times Black Speculative Art, in all its forms and meanings, are washed over, pushed into shadows, remade to be forgotten, deemed inappropriate, invaluable, and unintelligent.
The BSADA blog, specifically, attempts to bring you current news and updates from those involved with the Black Speculative Arts movements and tangent events. Not only does this blog sum up the archive’s activities of the month, but also this blog hopes to give you access to upcoming events, links, and deadlines. We at BSADA strive to be connected with those involved with this movement and the larger public, so we also try to keep you connected to major themes or gatherings on local, state, and national scales. Please remember to send us your information so we can not only continue to document this growing movement, but also help spread the word.
In recognition of launching this archive, we would like to highlight some of the terrific news we've been hearing about our friends from the around the field. Join us in this warm round of congratulations:
Ytasha Womack
Tobias c. van Veen
Qiana Whitted
Sandra Jackson-Opoku
John Jennings and Stacey Robinson visiting Stanford
And many other successful conferences, symposiums, and lectures being held in the name of Black Speculative Arts!
Connect with us:
Gmail: BSADArchive@gmail.com
Twitter: @BSADArchive
Instagram: @BSADArchive
Facebook: Blackspeculativearts Digitalarchive
Tumblr: BSADArchive@Tumblur.com